2 by 3 curved pop up stand.

2 by 3 Pop up Stand


A seamless portable exhibition back drop, great for displaying your product or service, designers can create high impact graphic content across this compact pop up stand.

This 2 column wide pop up stand is fine on its own but also as an add on to other pop up stand configurations like the 3 by 3 and 4 by 3 system. They can be linked together to create larger more interesting exhibition stands using curved and straight format frames. All graphics will span across to link frames together and act link a hinge to alter the angles between frames.


  • Overall Seamless graphic backdrop.
  • Premium high-resolution print with special stop light backing and laminated graphics.
  • Concertina framework with easy fix magnetic bars
  • All stored within a wheeled transport case.
  • Case converts into a branded counter unit.
  • LED or Halogen lights available.
  • Erected in just 10 Mins
  • Back drops can be linked together to form larger seamless displays.
  • Footprint 2.1m wide x 0.5m deep Height 2.3m approx with lights add 150mm


Other Pop Up Stands

3 x 2 Curved Pop Up Stand

3 x 3 Curved Pop up Stand

4 x 3 Curved Pop Up Stand

Straight Format Pop Up Stand

Pop Up Stand Combinations